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३० जना बिधार्थी बाट ४०००, संचालकको सर्टिफिकेट धरौटी राखेर क्याम्पस संचालन - गोविन्द बहादुर कार्की क्युएए प्राप्त भएको उपलक्ष्यमा प्रभातफेरी कार्यक्रम | क्यु ए ए प्राप्त गरेर हर्षित भएका छैनौं, थप चुनौती थपिएको छ गुणस्तरीय क्याम्पसलाई विश्वविद्यालयले छुट्टै हैसियत दिनुपर्छः अध्यक्ष अधिकारी नेवि संघ कोटेश्वर बहुमुखी क्याम्पसले तेस्रो ओपन कलेज नकआउट फुटसल टुर्नामेन्टको आयोजना गर्ने | भब्यताका साथ सम्पन्न भयो कोटेश्वर बहुमुखी क्याम्पसको ३४ औ बार्षिकोत्सव सामुदायिक क्याम्पसको महत्व र भुमिका राज्यले बुझेन । गोविन्द बहादुर कार्की, महासचिव


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Students of four-year B.Ed. program will have to study one subject area as specialization major and the next as specialization minor area selecting from among Nepali Education, English Education, Mathematics Education, Science Education (physical science), Health and Physical Education, Population Education. Students may also study one of the courses from among Science Education (Biological Science), Health Education, Physical Education, vocational education, Primary Education, Early Childhood Development Education, Non-formal Education and Education Management as specialization minor.
Four-year B.Ed. with annual examination system is a professional as well as academic program designed for preparing competent teachers who can teach two subjects at secondary level.

Course Titles


GROUP A: Communication Skills

 General Nepali
General English


GROUP B: Professional Core Courses

Health and Physical Education


First Year

Subjects Subject Code
General Nepali 401
General English  411
Education 412


Major Subjects
Subjects Subject Code
 English 416/417
Nepali 416/417
Population 416/417
Health and Physical Education 416/417
Mathematics 416/417


Minor Subjects
Subjects Subject Code
Minor Nepali 418/419
Minor Population 418/419
Minor Health and Physical Education 418/419


Second Year

Subjects Subject Code
 Educational Psychology 421


Major Subjects
Subjects Subject Code
English 422/423/424
Nepali 422/423/424
Population 422/423/424
Health and Physical Education 422/423/424
Mathematics 422/423/424


Minor Subjects
Subjects Subject Code
Minor Nepali 428/429
Minor Population 428/429
Minor Health and Physical Education 428/429


Third Year

Subjects Subject Code
 Curriculum and Evaluation 431


Major Subjects
Subjects Subject Code
English 432/433/434
Nepali 432/433/434
Population 432/433/434
Health and Physical Education 432/433/434
Mathematics 432/433/434


Minor Subjects
Subjects Subject Code
Minor Nepali 439
Minor Population 439
Minor Health and Physical Education 439


Fourth Year

Subjects Subject Code
 Teaching Practice 440


Major Subjects (English)
Subjects Subject Code
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 434
Research Method 445
Lasnguage and Literature 446
Project Work and Seminar 449


Major Subjects (Nepali)
Subjects Subject Code
Classroom Instruction 442
Research Method 445
Language and Literature 446
Byawahari Lekhan 446
Project Pop 449


Major Subjects (Population)
Subjects Subject Code
Classroom Instruction 442
Fundation of ageing 445
Byawahari Lekhan 446
Project Pop 449

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