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३० जना बिधार्थी बाट ४०००, संचालकको सर्टिफिकेट धरौटी राखेर क्याम्पस संचालन - गोविन्द बहादुर कार्की क्युएए प्राप्त भएको उपलक्ष्यमा प्रभातफेरी कार्यक्रम | क्यु ए ए प्राप्त गरेर हर्षित भएका छैनौं, थप चुनौती थपिएको छ गुणस्तरीय क्याम्पसलाई विश्वविद्यालयले छुट्टै हैसियत दिनुपर्छः अध्यक्ष अधिकारी नेवि संघ कोटेश्वर बहुमुखी क्याम्पसले तेस्रो ओपन कलेज नकआउट फुटसल टुर्नामेन्टको आयोजना गर्ने | भब्यताका साथ सम्पन्न भयो कोटेश्वर बहुमुखी क्याम्पसको ३४ औ बार्षिकोत्सव सामुदायिक क्याम्पसको महत्व र भुमिका राज्यले बुझेन । गोविन्द बहादुर कार्की, महासचिव

RMC Guidelines

Research is an integral part of academic development. Supporting on research activities is one of the most important priorities of community campuses, like Koteshwor Multiple Campus (KMC). Research Management Cell (RMC) of Koteshwor Multiple Campus (KMC) was established in 2016. It has been conducting different types of research, and organizing workshops, seminars, and conferences on various issues of research methodology, pedagogy, and academic writing, and publishing its research finding in its Journals.

RMC of Koteshwor Multiple Campus (KMC) frequently conducts research activities to strengthen the potentiality of faculties and students in teaching learning activities. Students are involved in different research activities such as report writing, thesis, and term papers to increase the horizon of their knowledge. Further, students connect their research activities with socio-economic development through field visits and field works.

RMC provides incentives to the faculties to conduct mini-research. The faculties conduct individual mini research as well as collaborative research each and every year. RMC supports students to prepare reports and thesis as they require in bachelors and masters level.

Download RMC Guidelines 2023

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