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३० जना बिधार्थी बाट ४०००, संचालकको सर्टिफिकेट धरौटी राखेर क्याम्पस संचालन - गोविन्द बहादुर कार्की क्युएए प्राप्त भएको उपलक्ष्यमा प्रभातफेरी कार्यक्रम | क्यु ए ए प्राप्त गरेर हर्षित भएका छैनौं, थप चुनौती थपिएको छ गुणस्तरीय क्याम्पसलाई विश्वविद्यालयले छुट्टै हैसियत दिनुपर्छः अध्यक्ष अधिकारी नेवि संघ कोटेश्वर बहुमुखी क्याम्पसले तेस्रो ओपन कलेज नकआउट फुटसल टुर्नामेन्टको आयोजना गर्ने | भब्यताका साथ सम्पन्न भयो कोटेश्वर बहुमुखी क्याम्पसको ३४ औ बार्षिकोत्सव सामुदायिक क्याम्पसको महत्व र भुमिका राज्यले बुझेन । गोविन्द बहादुर कार्की, महासचिव


Koteshwor Multiple Campus, (KMC) an ideal academic institution, has been providing quality education according to demand of time. The students from various backgrounds have been benefitted academically. Therefore, I would like to appeal all the students, guardians and stakeholders to support the campus for holistic development of this institution. Free Students' Union (FSU) is formed to create appropriate environment for reading, within the campus, to develop and implement suitable programs for the intellectual and intellectual development of the student community, to continue continuously for the rights of the students, students maintain discipline, Students have to be motivated in intellectual and creative activities and always remain active for the educational and institutional development of the Campus. 

 Free Students' Union (FSU) performs the role of stewards of social justice and promotes the free- exchange of ideas and perspectives that foster collective understanding. FSU cultivates opportunities that promote personal and professional growth through organization, activities and mentorship. We lead authentically and in congruence with ethical and professional standards upholding transparency and responding to the needs of students. We seek to engage students in curricular, co-curricular and extra- curricular activities that develop them into career ready, life-long learners. We encourage our students to engage as active citizens through mutually beneficial partnerships that instill pride in our campus and nation

Koteshwor Multiple Campus has established Job Placement Cell and since then FSU has been consistent in our efforts to provide a platform for mutual interaction and exchange between our students and the promising recruiters. Students are benefitted from different job providing organizations. We will accelerate this work in the days to come.

I am so pleased to highlight that Koteshwor Multiple Campus (KMC) has become the Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAA) institution certified by the University Grants Commission, Nepal (UGC- Nepal). As a student of QAA certified campus, you can be benefitted from selecting program, participating in different activities, taking advantage of the opportunities and resources provided, and understanding your rights and responsibilities.  Similarly, students will be benefitted from participating in surveys, feedback, self-evaluation, peer review, or accreditation can help to improve your learning experience and outcomes. Likewise, students will be entertained with scholarships, grants, internships, exchange programs, or online courses to expand your skills and competencies.

KMC FSU has been offering emergency interest free loan to the needy students and bears all treatment expenses in case students are sick, injured or other discomforts in campus premises. Another important identity of KMC FSU is that it is the first institution in Nepal which has declared campus as a "lock- out - free zone". No padlock will be held in campus in the name of fulfilling demands. Any type of problems will be solved easily with table talk with the concerned authorities if we abandon hidden interests and undue extra influence. Speaking to the nutshell, we are very aware to represent students both within the institution and externally, including on local and national issues. We are also responsible for providing a variety of services to students.  Thank You

Sanjay Budhathoki



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