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The objective of the MBS program is to enable the students to work as competent managers and to meet the demand of higher level managers in organizations, particularly in the functional areas of management as well as to demonstrate knowledge of a specific field of study. This includes components such as independent research and analysis, critical evaluation and application, the ability to solve complex problems as well as working independently. FOM program lays special emphasis on developing graduates managerial and entrepreneurial skills over a solid foundation of theories and techniques. Upon graduation, a student should be able to function as a manager in business, industry, government and non-government sectors, within and outside the country, in areas like accounting, marketing, finance and general management. The MBS program specifically aims to:
- Equip the students with required conceptual knowledge of business and management.
- Prepare managers in the functional areas of management.
- Develop knowledge and skill of business environment in national and global perspective.
- Encourage entrepreneurial capabilities in students to make them effective change agents in the Nepalese society.
- Develop research capability in the students.
Core Courses
Core business courses integrate all analytical and functional areas and provide students with an appreciation of the diversity and inter-relationship of business and management issues. It includes subjects such as Research Methodology, Statistical Methods, Managerial Economics,
Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management, Financial Management, Management Accountancy, Accounting for Financial and Managerial Decision and Control, Marketing Management, Production and Operations Management, International Business, Managerial Communication, Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management and Business Environment.Specialization Courses
There are four areas of specialization offer for the students. Specialization in any one of the areas, such as, accounting, finance, marketing, and management enables the student to develop expertise in his/her concentration area. Altogether 3 courses are offered in one area of specialization. Students have to choose one specialization area and study one course from group ‘A’ in the thirds semester and 2 courses from group ‘B’ in the fourth semester.
The MBS program requires students to conduct original research work during the four semesters of the two-year study period. Students are required to write a dissertation based on their original research work. Students writing dissertation are encouraged to write their dissertation within the selected specialization area.
Course Cycle
First Semester
15 Credit Hours
MKT 511 Marketing Management 3 Cr. ECO 512 Managerial Economics 3 Cr. MSC 514 Statistical Methods 3 Cr. MGT 515 Organizational Behavior 3 Cr. MGT 519 Managerial Communication 3 Cr. Second Semester
15 Credit Hours
FIN 510 Financial Management 3 Cr. MGT 513 Human Resource Management 3 Cr. MSC 517 Production and Operations Management 3 Cr. ACC 517 Management Accountancy 3 Cr. MGT 518 Business Environment 3 Cr. Third Semester
15 Credit Hours
ACC 519 Accounting for Financial and Managerial Decision and Control 3 Cr. MSC 521 Research Methodology 3 Cr. MGT 522 International Business 3 Cr. MGT 524 Entrepreneurship 3 Cr. Specialization Course (Any One from Group A)
FIN 687 Financial Derivatives and Market 3 Cr. FIN 688 Corporate Finance 3 Cr. Accountancy
ACC 685 Corporate Taxation 3 Cr. ACC 686 Cost Management 3 Cr. Management
MGT 687 Recent Trends in Management 3 Cr. MGT 688 Organizational Theory 3 Cr. Marketing
MKT 691 Advertising and Promotion Management 3 Cr. MKT 692 Rural Marketing 3 Cr. Fourth Semester
15 Credit Hours
MGT 523 Strategic Management 3 Cr. Specialization Courses (Any Two from Group B)
FIN 685 Financial Markets and Institutions 3 Cr. FIN 686 International Financial Management 3 Cr. FIN 689 Investment Management 3 Cr. FIN 690 Insurance: Theory and Practice 3 Cr. FIN 691 Commercial Bank Management: Theory and Practice3 Cr. 3 Cr. Marketing
MKT 685 Consumer Behavior 3 Cr. MKT 686 International Marketing 3 Cr. MKT 687 Brand Management 3 Cr. MKT 688 Sales Management 3 Cr. MKT 689 Retail Management 3 Cr. MKT 690 Services Marketing Accountancy
ACC 687 Contemporary Auditing 3 Cr. ACC 688 Accounting Theory and Financial Reporting 3 Cr. ACC 689 Management Control Systems 3 Cr. ACC 690 Balance Scorecard: A Tool for Performance Measurement 3 Cr. Management
MGT 685 Organizational Development and Change 3 Cr. MGT 686 Quality Management 3 Cr. MGT 689 Performance Management 3 Cr. MGT 690 Leadership and Communication 3 Cr. MGT 525 Dissertation 3 Cr.